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A helping hand

A story for children and adults, written by Louise Dautheribes McKerl and illustrated by KOMO.




A children's book with lovely illustrations, that tells the story of a boy called Soren who is very helpful and shows kindness in his little village.


"Soren was out cutting the grass under the shining sun, when an elderly woman from the village approached him. It was Mrs Poulter, his neighbour.


 “Hello Soren! My chickens have escaped their coop and there are too many for me to chase. Could you help me get them back?”

 “Of course Mrs Poulter.”

Soren followed Mrs Poulter to her garden where lots of chicken wandered about the green grass. They were everywhere: in the bushes, on top of the coop, under the car, one was even inside a welly boot!


Together, Mrs Poulter and Soren chased the cheeky chickens back into the wooden coop."

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